Create New Account

Step 1:

Go to

Go to the MyEtherWallet website at

Make sure that if you are on a computer you trust and that you access the website via an HTTPS address. If you’re using Chrome, you should see a green lock notification in the address bar:

Step 2:
Go to the “New Wallet” Tab

Step 3:
Provide a Strong Password

Provide a password that will be used to access your wallet:
1.   Create a strong password, using upper and lower-case letters, and also numbers and symbols (e.g., “@”, “^”, etc.).
2.   Do not lose this password. Losing this password is equivalent to losing all of the ETH and HM token stored in your account.
Click on the “Create New Wallet” button.

Step 4:
Save Your Keystore File

Follow the instructions to save your keystore file. This file contains your private and public keys and is required every time you want to access your account.
(Please note that you won’t be able to access your account without this file and the password from the previous step. Losing either one of them is equivalent to losing all of the ETH and HM token stored in your account.)

Step 5 (optional):
Backup Your Private Key
If you would like to make this account accessible by other Ethereum wallets, you can export and backup your private key.

It is important to remember that you should never share your private keys with anyone else. If your
wallet address (i.e., your public key) is the equivalent of your bank account number, then your private wallet key is your PIN. If anyone obtains your private key, they will have access to all of your funds.

Step 6:
Unlock Your Wallet to View the Public Address

Follow the instructions to unlock your wallet and get your public address:
Select the “Keystore File (UTC / JSON)” and the keystore file you’ve downloaded in the previous step:
Input your passphrase and click on the “Unlock” button to unlock

Step 7:
Save Your Public Address
At this stage, you should now be able to see your Ethereum public address under the “Your Address” label.
You will need to provide this public address during your registration for the token sale event. Do not lose your password and the keystore file, as you will need to use them in the token sale event.


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