

Create New Account Step 1: Go to Go to the MyEtherWallet website at Make sure that if you are on a computer you trust and that you access the website via an HTTPS address. If you’re using Chrome, you should see a green lock notification in the address bar: Step 2: Go to the “New Wallet” Tab Step 3: Provide a Strong Password Provide a password that will be used to access your wallet: 1.   Create a strong password, using upper and lower-case letters, and also numbers and symbols (e.g., “@”, “^”, etc.). 2.   Do not lose this password. Losing this password is equivalent to losing all of the ETH and HM token stored in your account. Click on the “Create New Wallet” button. Step 4: Save Your Keystore File Follow the instructions to save your keystore file. This file contains your private and public keys and is required every time you want to access your account. (Please note that you won’t be able to access your ac


Step 1: Go to HERE Enter your wallet with private key Step 2: Click on Add Custom Tokens TOKEN CONTRACT ADDRESS: 0xb8a88034bcf46e26c6bae1269ff2d051e2dee65c TOKEN SYMBOL: HMT DECIMALS: 8 SAVE Step 3: Go to HERE CONTRACT ADDRESS: 0xB6D5414a1550B70d3A1280081b115FdDc4A465D2 AbI/JSON INTERFACE: (PASTE THIS) [{"constant":false,"inputs":[],"name":"depositForDividends","outputs":[],"payable":true,"stateMutability":"payable","type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[],"name":"withdrawDividends","outputs":[],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"userAddress","type":"address"},{"name":"targetBlock","type":"uint256"}],&quo

Why HM app is best for earning?

1) you can earn via cellphone OR PC 2) Best Ref program (Not only You get +1 your ref also get +1 sat from each claim) 3) You can solve problems on their Telegram chat 4) if You lost doing withdrawals you can msg devs and they will check and send your Bitcoins to faucethub 5) Best and Legit claim Prices according to Threshold 6) Happy Hours so you can earn more and more Click Hear And EARN

Bitcoin Cash Soars to $700, Coinbase Customers Threaten to Sue

A new version of bitcoin hit the market on Tuesday and, on its second day of trading, it has already tripled in price and its market cap is now third biggest of all digital currencies. Known as Bitcoin Cash, the new currency arrived via a so-called "fork" in which a faction of people who run the software that controls bitcoin started a breakaway version. The price of Bitcoin Cash hovered between $200 and $300 for most of Tuesday and then suddenly shot up. As this screenshot from CoinMarketCap shows (look to the right of the graph), Bitcoin Cash has also appreciated in relation to bitcoin—one unit of the new currency is now worth about 30% of the original one Meanwhile, the price of the original bitcoin has, contrary to the fears of many bitcoin owners prior to the split, maintained its value. On Wednesday, bitcoin was trading around $2,700, which is not far from its all-time high of $3000.

Earn Money in BTC on cellphone or PC

1. Click Here and log in with your BTC address (BTC address should be link with Faucethub ) IF YOU DON'T HAVE A WALLET ADDRESS CLICK BELOW AND CREATE ONE FOR INDIAN USER FOR OTHERS 2. Copy XRB address 3. Go to faucet and start claiming Address would be related with your BTC address untill you pause more than 10 minutes, after that it would be require to refresh mining page for recieveing address again (address could be changed !!!) Claims would be counted after 1-2 minutes and rewarded satoshi amount (according current rate on claim moment) would be added to your balance

ओठांच्या किनार्यावर ...

ओठांच्या किनार्यावर smile ची सुदंर अशी लाट आहे😊 म्हणून च  तुझ्या हसण्यात काहीतरी खास आहे..!😍